Dirty funny spanish phrases
Dirty funny spanish phrases

chancha – a collection of money between friends, normally to pay for beer.Literally “rib,” a reference to the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib. cabro – a homosexual or effeminate man.bróder - friend, amigo (from the English “brother”).

dirty funny spanish phrases

Originates from cabro (below): cabro, cabrócoli, brócoli. You might hear this in Peruvian markets, where fake goods and fake money are both in circulation. Literally “roast” or “roasting,” so a visual expression.

  • arrecho (a) - to be horny, turned on ( estar arrecho).
  • Bear in mind that “right away,” like mañana, could mean a few hours or a few weeks in Peru.
  • achorado - an aggressive or “low living” person (sometimes used to refer to “undesirable” types from slum areas).
  • a su madre – a common expression of surprise, often shortened to just “asu!” Despite the presence of the word “mother,” the expression is not rude (but don’t go experimenting with “mother” expressions – you could get in trouble).
  • To read the most frequently asked questions for travel in Peru in 2023 click HERE.


    Visit for full info on Machu Picchu Tour options (1day, 2 day or more). Tours are strongly recommended to save money and stress and avoid potential problems at entry to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu – book in advance (ticket, train, guide, bus all needed). Website very detailed and full of useful info. Peru Hop is most reviewed and highest rated travel company. Latam Airlines are best airline for internal flights, others cancel a lot. Be aware of high charges for ATM machines. You can use USD or Peruvian Soles in most places. Be aware of pick pockets in major tourist areas. Peru is safe to travel to with no restrictions in place. Top Peru Travel Tips 2023 (updated every month):

    Dirty funny spanish phrases